Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Horus Heresy: Leviathan Build


Following on from the weekends post of the Leviathan unboxing, I have spent the past couple of lunch times building up the kit.

I obviously went with the Eye of Horus groin guard and the chaos looking chest plate and rear head piece. I really like the extra height and width the shoulder guards give the model. As you can see I have left the arms separate to make it  easier for painting. The model can be magnetized if you are one of those gamers that have to all options available to them (i am not if I want different variant will just buy another one). My load out is claw and drill, I really like that you can pose the drill and the claws to give a nice variable to your model.

Just for scale guide is one of my Tactical Support Marines. Hes a big unit and def gonna be a magnet for enemy fire. Looking forward to painting this model.

Whats on your table?

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