Time to get some more tiny tanks built and painted. Finally for the Solar Auxilia have their iconic artillery piece the Basilisk. The kit also makes the more mobile and short range Medusa. I have an event upcoming on the 4th of May down at 7th City Collectables and the points have been upped to 2000 pts. So I am looking to add a solid back line of artillery with 12 Basilisks being added to the army. I got a fair bit of painting to do over the next few weeks. I will be show casing my list for the event in the next week.
Wednesday, 10 April 2024
Just prepping my next project. These are some Scout Trooper sculpts from Skull Forge Studios . Going to be some nice variants from the model from Atomic Mass Games. These were printed out by my good friends at 3D Kingdoms. They will be painted up in the standard white imperial scout trooper armour and deserty style bases.
Completed my Death Troopers this evening. Nothing to fancy, just some layered black and metals. I may go back and pick up some of the straps as I am planning for these guys to be like an end of level encounter rather than a run of the mill encounter.
Up next will be finishing of some Scum that have been sat on the painting desk and a couple of Spartans for Legion Imerpialis.
With my basing material arriving I have the first unit for my French army completed. The second unit has been built and is ready for undercoating. The support units are all built as well. However I have to say that I have not missed trying to glue together metal models with really small contact points. But its just a small gripe.
Tonight will be back on the Death Troopers to get them finished and off the painting table. Starting to clear some space on the table which is good for my sanity.
I am waiting on some basing materials to arrive so that I can finish off my first unit of French Infantry, I have ordered a selection of flocks, shrubs and flowers from Gamer's Grass as I am wanting a French countryside look to the bases, like what was seen in the early episodes of Band of Brothers.
So I wanted something quick and easy to finish off, so plucked the box of Death Troopers from the pile of shame. These have been undercoated black and then a drybrush of Platemail then followed by a drybrush of Ray Gun Blue. Then the final layer was Black Templar. This is giving a nice blue hue coming through the Black Templar.
Just waiting on the basing material to dry and then I will pick out the pouches and areas of metal to get the unit finished.
My first infantry platoon assembled and now the first base layers of paint applied to the models and the wash layed down, next steps will be highlight the models and start work on the bases. Next up will be working on one of the support teams whilst I am assemble the next platoon of 10.
Wednesday, 13 March 2024
After painting up so much small scale infantry for Legions I thought I would try a different scale and time period. I have always been drawn to Bolt Action as a game, as I like the idea of a nice small scale skirmish game that builds up nicely and played over a nice gaming table.
So I picked up the French Army Deal from Warlord Games
Which as you can see has around 35 Infantry men 3 weapons teams and a tank. Should be a nice quick painting project once have all the models assembled. Now just need the rain in Nottingham to stop so I can get the first unit undercoated.
Next up on the painting table was a new Rebel figure that might be closely ressembles Blaize from Rogue One. This was printed by my good friends at 3D Kingdoms. If you have not checked out their site pop over and have a look. They also do bespoke printing if you don't own one yourself
Last Saturday was my first event of the year for Legion Imperialis down at 7th City Collectables. It was set up as a 1 day casual event set at 1500 points. Which considering the state of play with the current stock levels and how hard it is to get hold of the core models needed to build your armies. There was 8 intrepid players bright eyed and bushy tailed. Not many players had played games so it was a nice relaxed atomsphere.
The split of players was 5 Legion Astartes and 3 Solar Auxilia players. A lot of the lists had flyers as it is a nice way to bulk out your points if you were a Aeronautica player.
I took my completed Solar Auxilia
7th City Event 1493 / 1500pts
Traitor Solar Auxillia
Formations 3
Solar Auxilia Sub-Cohort, 338pts
Formation Strength: 39
Break Point: 20
4 Additional Auxiliaries 24pts
2 Additional Auxiliaries with Flamers 12pts
4 Additional Auxiliaries 24pts
2 Additional Auxiliaries with Flamers 12pts
2 Additional Veletarii 10pts
4 Additional Charonite Ogryn 30pts
2 Additional Sentinel 25pts
Solar Auxilia Armoured Company, 740pts
Formation Strength: 13
Break Point: 7
4 Additional Leman Russ 160pts
2 Additional Malcador 130pts
Knight Household Lance, 415pts
Formation Strength: 9
Break Point: 5
1 Moriax Talon 200pts
My first game I came up against the most experienced player at the event with a very nicely painted World Eaters army that went on to win best painted. (see pics below)
My only slight grievance was that they had 2 units of 8 Leviathons that had not been released and were 3D printed, personally for me I feel that if you are playing an event at a local gaming store and supporting the hobby then 3D printed models should not be allowed by event organisers rant over.
After set up I think I was overly concerned about the large units of Leviathons and Contemptors not realising how slowly they advance across the table. The real threats were the units loaded into the Rhinos that can really motor across the table to seize the objectives.
Two turns in and the Storm Eagles and Thunderhawks had pretty much cleared out my army and I had only broken a unit of Leviathons.
Turn 3 and the game was over only had some token units left.
Game Two Confrontation
Secondary Missions: Word Bearers Carnage, Auxilia Breakthrough
This was a very balanced game and went 4 turns and only at the end when i completed my break through mission I came out on top by 10 points
This was the clash of the 2 Auxilia Armies. Both similar in composition which with the limited releases and availability is not much of a surpise. The game was a real battle for the middle with my opponents Ogryns dying in a building collapse. Most of tanks taken out by 2 2 Lightings.
This was a resounding loss
Result:28-7 Loss
I had a great day over the 3 games and was very pleased to pick up favourite opponent.
Learnt a lot about my list and without any anti air on the table flyers certainly rule roost if they get their hits on target.
7th City Collectables have already announced their next event day which is on the 4th of May and is a campaign event. This time with 2000 point armies. So I will be having a tweak on my current time and then adding in another 500 points.
First post of the new month, last night I completed my first Baneblade.
Completed the model with a mixture of contrast paints and layer paints. It is a mammoth model when next to infantry. Really looking to my getting this beast onto the table this weekend before the event on the 10th.
Made some major progress on my army over the last couple of weeks, so here is a photo dump of my progress so far. Its so hard to get good shots of these models and the kitchen work top definately does not help.
As you can see I have most of my first formation completed just another 8 stands of Auxilia to complete the formation. Next up on the table is 8 Leman Russ Battle Tanks and 1 Baneblade. Then it will be onto my supporting Knight Formation.
At the start of the year I mentioned that I will be looking to start a Black Templars army. I remember painting Chaplin Grimaldus when he was very first released, and now that he has crossed the rubicon, I thought he would be the prime candidate to get my black armour technique sorted and to lead my force. Only got time today to get Grimaldus and his retinue assembled. Next up will be undercoating and getting the base layers on.
I have left the actual banner itself off to make it a bit easier to paint.