Well it is not those type of Predators but I am sure that you get the idea of what might be coming next.
Check after the jump first work in progress on my new predator.
As you will have seen in a previous post my current army list contains a Land Raider as my heavy anti tank choose. However having read through the rules a bit more and watching my regular gaming buddies game last week, I decided that the Land Raider just did not have enough firepower.
So looking through the codex again have decided to swap out for 2 predators. This will increase the amount of shots that I can put out and also less points.
Being a long in the tooth hobbyist I remember seeing David Soper's Nurgle predator from 1990.
I loved this model as an young hobbyist and it brings back fond memories. I am not going to copy this work but look at this as inspiration for what I want Father Nurgle to bestow his gifts.
Started work on the front panel at work today, just a bit of roughing up ready for the next stage

The next stage is starting with Green Stuff to produce the rot.
The challenges I really face with this project is that I have never sculpted with Green Stuff apart from the odd gap filling.
Check back as I learn how to sculpt and hopefully have a finished item that befits Father Nurgle
What is your latest project?
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