Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Monday, 5 June 2023

Games Expo Haul


Spent the weekend working at Games Expo this weekend and this was my haul from the show. I had planned on picking up Shatterpoint at some point but the deals at the show were to good to pass up on. I also got hold of the Padawam Ahsoka Tano as part of their promo release. 
Then whilst chatting with an old work friend on the GW stand I noticed a last copy of Rogue Trader. Seeing that is where I started my hobby journey I thought I would pick up and have a pristine copy in my collection.

Work continues on my rebel troopers and Armada squadrons and follows will be following soon,

Was anyone else at Expo if so what was your haul?

1 comment:

  1. The models are lovely nicely detailed. You will have a long wait for classic era the release plan is definatly clone wars and rebels before they hit the Classsic
