Blood Bowl Blitz
As in my last post one of my hobby resolutions for 2019 is to take part in at least 4 tournaments throughout the year. So checking Warhammer Worlds calendar found they are holding a 1 day 3 game Blood Bowl Blitz day. Not played a lot of Blood Bowl since its re-release in 2016. So time to dust off the Knuckle Dusters and done the helmet and get some pain train games going.
More posts to follow....
Monday, 31 December 2018
Sunday, 30 December 2018
Hobby Resolutions 2019
This year was about getting myself back into the blogging flow. Over the year I have to be honest a hobby butterfly and had little focus on completion of many of my projects. I expect that bell rings true for many of us hobbyists. So after the break I am going to layout my 2019 Hobby Resolutions.
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
Monday, 17 December 2018
Saturday, 15 December 2018
Monday, 10 December 2018
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Christmas Bauble
Christmas Bauble
Just received my Christmas Hobby supplies from Element Games and received the usual welcome candy but also nestled in the parcel was this Element Games Christmas Bauble.
Following the link below to get your hobby supplies in time for Christmas and if you spend over £80 you get this great bauble.
Also if you enter in this code GAR8014 you will get double crystals.
Just received my Christmas Hobby supplies from Element Games and received the usual welcome candy but also nestled in the parcel was this Element Games Christmas Bauble.
Following the link below to get your hobby supplies in time for Christmas and if you spend over £80 you get this great bauble.
Also if you enter in this code GAR8014 you will get double crystals.
Monday, 3 December 2018
SpeedFreeks Green Skin
So new army started for 40k, massively drawn by the new vehicles that come out with the latest codex release. But more of that to follow in the future. I have not painted green skin in agggggeeess, so cracked out the greens and laid down some paint.
My lights have really washed out the colours so really need to work on the lighting and try and get some better shots.
Saturday, 1 December 2018
Sunday, 18 November 2018
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Blog Changes Up Coming
This month has been a slow posting month for me due to increased work load with the upcoming Christmas period and returning from the Essen Spiel has kinda wiped out my Hobby time and MoJo.
During the long road trips out to Essen and back me and co driver Chris spent a lot of time chatting about our hobbies and had a lot in common in regards to what we like to play and our styles of collecting, painting and playing.
So over the next few weeks Chris will be adding the to Blog.
A few changes will come in play the first being a change in the name, still to be decided. Then up will be the layout and style.
But then it will be back to the usual hobby butterfly approach that is our hobbies.
Thanks for reading.
Friday, 2 November 2018
Monday, 22 October 2018
Saturday, 20 October 2018
Friday, 19 October 2018
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Chosen Axes Fjul-Grimnir Gallery
This week has been tough with prepping for Essen Spiel with work so no time for any test games of Shadespire but looking to take it with me so can get some games in the hotel. In the background I have been planning a new D&D campaign and creating my own homebrew world. Part of the growth of the history our group will play some historical games to create the world history. This is going to be one of the Titans that the players will play with.
Really enjoyed painting this figure, looking forward to completing the rest of the warband.
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Stormsire WIP
The reading has been going well and I have read all the background in both the Shadespire and the Nightvault books. I have enjoyed the back story more so that I did not have to read pages and pages of story, just a short punchy overview which can allow me to develop my own stories if so desired.
I have had a read through the rules and I understand the basic flow of the game, but as I guessed prior to reading this game is going to be all about the deck and deployment of the warband.
Then I cracked onto the model and started my Stormsire's below are the work in progress shots.
I have had a read through the rules and I understand the basic flow of the game, but as I guessed prior to reading this game is going to be all about the deck and deployment of the warband.
Then I cracked onto the model and started my Stormsire's below are the work in progress shots.
Rather than the standard blue and gold I have gone with a rich purple and gold, liking the painting of the models so far
Hope to have these finished before I head to Essen in 2 weeks time.
Sunday, 7 October 2018
Nightvault the Start of a Journey
With Nightvault being released last weekend Andy asked if I was interested in taking part in a small session of games. Having only really got about 10 matches under my belt with Shadespire I was a little hesitant due to my lack of understanding of pre-game deck building. However the models in the new starter set swayed me over. Andy had already decided to start with the Thorn's of the Briarqueen, so I was left with the Stormsire's Cursebreakers, So I thought with a start of what is really a new type of gaming for me. I would break down how I am going to approach the game.
1. Read the narrative back story to get a grasp on the setting.
2. Assemble the figures.
3. Read the rules and run through some solo test games.
4. Start painting the models.
5. Read through the card and try to gain an understanding of the reason for taking them and how combinations will work together.
6. Look to get some games under my belt just using the basic deck.
7. Research online to find out other people's deck builds and try to learn why they are picking the cards and how they will look to work.
So check back to see my progress on how I fair learning a totally new style of gaming.
Sunday, 30 September 2018
Gor Half Horn WIP
So with Belladonna out of the way work has been progressing on Gor Half Horn. Really pleased with his armour and weapon. It feels like with focusing on characters my shading and highlighting is really coming along now. Check after the break for some more angle shots.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Adeptus Titanicus Warlord and Knights Gallery #8mm #adeptustitanicus #titanicus

So my first set of models are completed. Up next is the opposing force before moving onto the reavers.
Sunday, 23 September 2018
Friday, 21 September 2018
Ultramarines Ancient
Today completed my Ancient from Dark Imperium for my slowly growing Ultramarines army. Next on the table are the 2 Lieuteants and then onto the Captain and I will have completed all the figures plus a few extra from the Dark Imperium box. Once the last 3 figures are painted it will be going back and adding decals to all the figures. It has been a long journey but I am really pleased with how the army has come along.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Sunday, 16 September 2018
Belladonna wip part 2 #necromunda #escher

Got some more work done on Belladonna this morning, slowly working on the blends on the hair and the feathers. Really loving painting this model, and bringing her to life. Hoping to get the metal work and skin finished tonight. Then it will be testing my freehand skills on the armour.
What's on your painting bench?
Thursday, 13 September 2018
If there is a ahark at the end of this line we are gonna need a bigger boat #ibiza

We all know the film dur dum dur dum
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Found the familar that you need to go under the bridge #ibiza #santa eularia

In the last post I showed the Roman bridge. In order to cross under the bridge the fable tells that a witch resides under the bridge and can only utter 2 words, Eat or Work. To have safe passage the tales is that a you have to collect a flower that only comes out in a certain location under a moonlight night, The flower is then bottled when passage under the bridge is needed you open the bottle and out pops a familiar to distract the witch.
Roman bridge in Santa Eulalia #ibiza

Last week visited Santa Eularia on Ibiza this week and this is the stunning Roman bridge that leads the river into the town. There is a great walk that takes you all round the town and up to the church on the hill, sadly we only found this out on the last day.
Sunday, 9 September 2018
Adeptus Titanicus Warlord #titanicus #8mm

Completed my first Warlord this morning. Legio Mortis is my chosen Heretic Chapter. Still Undecided on the Loyalists as of yet. Getting closer to my first game.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Adeptus Titanicus Knight WIP #titanicus

Started work on my first Knight from the GM edition of Adeptus TitanicusTitanicus. Chosen a cherry red and black sch scheme. No idea if this is a legal house or if it will be homebrew.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Saturday, 1 September 2018
Necromunda Escher Gang List
So Necromunda is coursing through the veins at the moment, working hard to finish the Goliath gang so that it is there to be used by some of the guys who have not yet had time to collect their figures.
My gang however will be from House Escher. Always had a love for the pin ups of the Underhive and with Belladonna taking up the character space, they will form the basis of my growing gang hoping that they can afford the services of Belladonna at some point.
Check after the break my starting gang list.
My gang however will be from House Escher. Always had a love for the pin ups of the Underhive and with Belladonna taking up the character space, they will form the basis of my growing gang hoping that they can afford the services of Belladonna at some point.
Check after the break my starting gang list.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Started work on the Goliaths this lunch time #necromunda

With my scenery painting behind time to complete the Gangs, I had already built and undercoated the Goliaths and even though I am going to be playing Escher in our upcoming campaign, decided would get these painted for someone in the group to use.
Going for yellow armour as a bit of change and a chance to brush up my yellow armour skills.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Necromunda bulkhead and doors #necromunda

Lunchtime today got my bulkheads completed scatter terrain up tomorrow
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Age of Sigmar Chainrasp Horde WIP
Age of Sigmar Chainrasp Horde WIP
Chainrasps progress coming along well this week, the red and blue cloths have been paid down, now time for the detailed work of the metal and the skin.
Hard pushing this week to get them complete, before I allow myself to open the Adeptus Titanicus box set.
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Belladonna getting ready for the ball. #necromunda

Got some work down on Belladonna last night,she's a beauty to paint, just getting the main block colours on the model before shading and highlighting starts.
Monday, 13 August 2018
Belladona and Gor will go to the Ball
With picking up Belladonna the other week, realised that not painted Gor, with some space on the painting table I built these ready for priming.
Sunday, 12 August 2018
Knight of Shroud Gallery
Completed my Knight of Shrouds yesterday pleased with how he has come out, next up are the 20 Chainclasps. Gonna see if I can knock them out this week.
Check after the break for more shots.
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
80s pin up Belladonna in the Hizzzzzooooooss

One of my fav models from the past and a beautiful new version. Looking forward to slapping some paint down and seeing if anyone is gonna hire her.
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